





Don’t keep it a secret and suffer in silence if you are experiencing sexual dysfunction.

As a man, it’s normal to feel you should have it all together and always be in control.  The truth, as we find so often, is most man struggle with sexual issues.


The common possibilities are:

  • Erectile dysfunction – inability to experience erection
  • Premature ejaculation – ejaculate earlier than you wish.
  • Delayed ejaculation or Inability to ejaculate
  • Porn Addiction
  • Performance anxiety


These are not just an issue in the bedroom, but also a problem that affects men’s overall health and well-being. It can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. It is a vicious spiral that, if left unchecked, can hamper relationships, lead to dissatisfaction, and even cause break ups.

According to Tantra these problems have their root in the stagnation of energy flow in one or more areas of the body.

Using a combination of the skills and techniques I have learned over the years; I have developed dedicated sessions designed to extend and enhance male sexual performance.

Allow me to show you how experiential transformative techniques and personalized guidance can slay your sexual demons and unlock your full potent potential.

About this session:

  • This is a course of 6 sessions of 90 minutes each.
  • Six sessions are mandatory for full results and benefit.
  • Sessions are done on line.
  • We will be working with Tantra practices, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Coaching.
  • You must be 100% committed to follow my guidance.
  • You must be 100% committed to your self-practice.


Price: €900 for a course of 6 sessions or €200 each session


Healing Sexless


Are you tired of going home to a sexless marriage and a dead bedroom?

Are you wondering if your wife doesn’t love you anymore?

Would you like to get your wife to desire you again?

Are you willing to stop fighting with her and start to fight for her?

You and your relationship are not broken, you just need to learn the skills.

Many of the men I speak to had their first sex education through watching porn. Not only did this create a tremendous pressure of performance but also a lot of confusion when engaging with a real-life human.

The women didn’t appreciate the high-speed and high-intensity approach, and were turned off rather than turned on.

Within my coaching sessions you will learn to re connect, to deep in love, intimacy and sensuality.

You will be able to return to the emotional closeness and intimacy that characterized your relationship in the beginning.

One of the most detrimental myths about sex is that it’s “just natural”. That everyone knows how to do it. That it happens spontaneously and effortlessly.

Women s sexuality is way different then man and you will learn how to gently make her open to you.

About this session:

  • This is a course of 6 sessions of 90 minutes each.
  • Six sessions are mandatory for full results and benefit.
  • Sessions are done on line.
  • We will be working with Tantra practices, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Coaching.
  • You must be 100% committed to follow my guidance.
  • You must be 100% committed to your self-practice.


Price: €900 for a course of 6 sessions or €200 each session


Healing Low

Self Esteem

Your fullest potential becomes activated as you learn to love yourself. Self-love starts with the body and is the beginning of all other kinds of love. If you cannot love yourself, how can you love and be loved by others?   A person who loves their body radiates such delight that they are magnetically attractive to others.

In this session we will talk about the food you eat and drink, the size of your Lingham, the way you look at yourself in the mirror, the way you touch your body, the way you think or talk about yourself and the care you give your body.

You will learn practices to nourish and love your whole body as a Sacred Temple.


About this session:

  • This is a course of 6 sessions of 90 minutes each.
  • Six sessions are mandatory for full results and benefit.
  • Sessions are done on line.
  • We will be working with Tantra practices, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Coaching.
  • You must be 100% committed to follow my guidance.
  • You must be 100% committed to your self-practice.


Price: €900 for a course of 6 sessions or €200 each session


Frequently asked


Question shall be here.

Answer shall be here.

Embark on a journey that will forever change the way you approach love, pleasure, orgasms and human connection , thus creating lasting fulfilment in your relationship.


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