
Welcome to your journey

into Sacred Sexuality

Tantra Practices are Tantra Methods to nourish sexual, emotional and spiritual intimacy between you and your partner.

Here you can explore practices as an individual, that will empower you to enhance the pleasure and fulfilment of every type of sexual experience. It will allow you to easy into your body and soul, to become present to yourself and your partner and to open up to deeper connections.

When you book a session of Tantra Practices you will be guided b me and can take home your experience and enjoy with your partner if you have one.

Sessions can last anything from 2 hours up to 12 hours.

I highly recommend session of 5 hours.

Price 2 hours: €200

Any extra hour: €100

For first time clients, after ‘I highly recommend session of 5 hours.

Regular Clients can book sessions up to 12 hours.


Game of Consent

and Boundaries

In this session I encourage you to be open and find out what you do and don’t like. It’s your boundaries that define your personality.

Saying ‘no’ and being respected empowers you and creates safety. The magic element about boundaries is that once they are respected, you can relax and allow your boundaries to expand.

This is a touch-based interaction where we will work with the ‘The Wheel of Consent’ by Betty Martin.

I will explain in detail ‘The Whell of Consent’, what consent is, how the game of consent and boundaries work, and we will both give and receive non-sexual touch.

About this session:

Awareness of bodily sensations and boundaries

Clear communication

Mutual Agreement

Respect for autonomy

Length: from two to five hours

This session is the first requirement in learning how to give a Tantra Massage.




The best sex you can have with your clothes on.

Book this session to expand your sexual horizons and broaden you definition of sex, sexuality, and orgasmic pleasure.

Let me show you how to tap into the infinite realm of energy all around you.

About this session:

Duration: 30 minutes to an hour


Temple of


The Temple of tears is a holy place, free of judgement and shame where you can cry without fear of alarm. Come and let yourself go and I will catch you and hold you safe.

Learn that there is no need to supress your emotions, hold back tears, or justify why you feel like crying.  Sometimes a good cry is all what we need to say goodbye to our sorrows.

About this session:

Duration: this session is unique in that it has no set time limit. You are welcome to cry for as long as you need.




As simple as it sounds, this session offers you a chance to talk frankly and openly about sex and sexuality. Too few men have a safe place to talk about sex, let this be your sanctuary and your confessional.

Talking freely about sex is an essential component for sexual healing, self-confidence, and developing a positive sexuality.

In this session you are welcome to share anything that concerns you about your sexuality. We can discuss your sexual identity, gender identity, relationships, love, affairs, connection, as well as share sexual experiences, desires, and fantasies.

You can also choose to listen to my sex experiences, adventures, and misadventures.

About this session:

This is a verbal session and can last anything from 1 hour to two hours.

This session can be virtual or in-person


Master and

Slave Game

This is a fun non-sexual session where we play as a Master and Slave.

Working with consent in a power and authority dynamic, we’ll set and stretch boundaries.

During the session, we’ll learn each other’s desires and wishes, and learn to set expectations.

We’ll both have the chance to be the Master and Slave during the session which will give you the opportunity to unleash your ‘Swich’ side. If you already have a preference, that’s fine too and we can stick to those roles.

Together we’ll have chance to understand the power dynamic between both personas. So, while the Master has absolute power over the Slave, they must also learn to honour the slave limits and therefore their rules.

In this session, I will explain in detail what Consent is within this Master and Slave relationship, and how the session will develop.

About this session

Clients can choose to Include Lingham massage.

Duration: 2 hours

Price with Lingham: €350

Price without Lingham: €300




In this session we practice easy to follow Hatha Yoga movements to bring a state of equilibrium. It’s about the integration of the body, with the mind and breath. You don’t need to be flexible (or young or fit) to work in this integration.

This is a great way to start a long session of 5 hours or a Tantra Retreat. You can enjoy the freedom of being naked if you choose so.

Duration: 30 minutes or 1 hour

Session can be done On line or in person




Be Peaceful

The foundation and essence of tantra is meditation.

When you practice meditation with another, or while making love, you might catch a glimpse of enlightenment.

These are the meditations I may guide you through in your session:

Caressing Meditation

Eyes of Love Meditation

Body Scan Meditation

Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation

Metta Bhavana (Loving-Kindness) Meditation

Osho Dynamic Meditation

Chakra Meditation

Yoga Nidra Relaxation

Heart Yoga Meditation

Laughing Meditation

Silent Sitting

These meditations can be done on its own, however, in my sessions they are part of all Tantra sessions from 2 hours up to 12 hours.

Once the meditation begins, all you need to do is simply follow my guidance.

Try not to worry if your mind wanders off at any point, if you notice that happening, bring your attention back to my voice that is guiding you.

There’s no way to do meditation ‘wrong’, so long as you listen (without listening too hard) and relax, whatever your experience, the practice will still destress your body and mind.




In this Ceremony you will be guided through a short Chakra balancing meditation while you stand grounded on the floor.

I will lovingly undress you and touch your whole body with feather touch. You can surrender as I hold you, rock you and support you.

This undressing ceremony is usually done just before receiving a Tantra Massage but can be done in conjunction with other practices.

Duration: 30 minutes

Role reverse is available


Awakening the

Senses Ceremony

A beautiful and unforgettable ceremony where you will be blind folded to receive delightful gifts to awaken your five senses.

When your sensitivity is awakened, your experience of life is enhanced in all dimensions.

Through the senses you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste the world around you. Also, through your senses you can enter into a subjective experience of happiness and orgasmic pleasure. If your senses become dull, you are more likely to become sad and depressed.

With this session, your inner and outer world will sparkle with aliveness.

About this session:

Duration: between 30 minutes to two hours.

Role reversal is available.

Session begins with the client blindfolded and end without it.

Please state any allergies when booking this session.


Self-Pleasuring Ceremony &

an introduction to Sex Magic

In this session you will be guided through Tantric Self touch techniques and learn how to use sex magic whilst pleasuring yourself.
You will re learn how to do sensitively, to provoke a circulation of energy and experience an expansive pleasure through the body.

The ‘normal’ way of masturbation does not open a flow of energy around the sex center, so I recommend you follow my guidance during this session.

About this session:

This session can be virtual or in-person

Duration: two hours


Sacred Lingam and

Yoni Ceremony

During this session we will engage in a sacred ritual to recognise the divinity of our bodies.

We will honour and worship each other’s body in a SACRED way, learning to see each other as divine.

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the entire female genital system. The Yoni is a sacred place.

Lingam means ‘pillar of light’ and is the Sanskrit word for the phallus and the exalted male principle. It offers dignity and respect to the penis.

About this session:

We start the session with a smudging ritual of cleaning the energy of the physical space and ourselves as we burn Sage.

There is no touch or massage involved.




Within my sessions, I am usually in a role of a ‘Giver’ and my clients in a role of a ‘Receiver’.

I hear and understand many of my clients get immense satisfaction from touching as much as being touched and I get asked If they can touch me during a massage.

I personally don’t like to be touched while giving a massage, however I take great pleasure in receiving Tantra touch in a Role Reverse situation from clients that have learnt from me how to touch.

Devotion session is an opportunity to some clients who my body feels open to receive touch from to honour my body.

This is by invitation only.  You will be invited to experience the Game of Consent and Boundaries and learn How to Give a Tantra Massage initially then you can book a Devotion session.

The essence of tantra is respect, honouring and trust. My body needs to feel safe to receive your touch.

Below are some sessions that you can devote to me in a Role Reverse situation.

Sensual Flow Tantra Massage

Caressing Meditation

Undressing Ceremony

Awakening the Senses Ceremony

Session can last anything from 1 hour up to 5 hours and prices can vary.


Frequently asked


Question shall be here.

Answer shall be here.

Tantra is a spiritual practice and it doesn’t just enhance your sex life, but also makes your entire existence more rewarding.


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